Wednesday Jul 06, 2016
How to save advertising, one dollar at a time
Wednesday Jul 06, 2016
Wednesday Jul 06, 2016
Requests for Proposal, or RFP's, have become the bane of the ad industry because they reward agencies for undercutting competitors on price. What results is antagonistic relationships and mistrust between the winning agency and client. The result is almost always the same - the client leaves the agency prematurely, looking for a happier relationship - and an even lower price.
Cal Harrison is a champion of QBS, or Qualification Based Selection, a methodology for agency selection that takes price bidding out of the agency selection process. I chatted with Cal on the toxic environment agencies are finding themselves in on a regular basis because of RFPs, the 'order-taker' mentality that has ensued, and what a world of creative difference QBS would make.
Thursday Jun 16, 2016
Can Brands Survive our Toxic Communication Environment?
Thursday Jun 16, 2016
Thursday Jun 16, 2016
Public discourse has denigrated into toxic shouting matches. Whether it's political debates, climate change or the message emanating from big brands surrounding flashpoint issues (big oil or the gun lobby, for example), we've seen critical thinking, engagement and constructive dialogue be thrown by the wayside in exchange for headline-grabbing abuse and shrill megaphone matchups.
PR expert and celebrated author Jim Hoggan has just released an incredible book - I'm right and you're an idiot - that dissects our language's destruction by a host of forces. Together, we explore some of the highlights and surprises of his book, and dig into the implication for brands trying to build an audience that alternates between shell shock and cynical disbelief.
Tuesday May 31, 2016
Decoding Happiness - Key to Creating a Futureproof Brand?
Tuesday May 31, 2016
Tuesday May 31, 2016
Selling happiness (and unhappiness) through consumption is a concept as old as planned obsolesence itself. But consumers are tiring of the merry go round, and brands that want to survive and thrive into the future need to redefine how they make consumers happy.
This is a topic that fascinates me, and is the subject of exploration in my book. In this episode, I bring aboard renowned psychologist, author and all-around good guy John Marshall Roberts to discuss our natural happy state, and how brands can augment it.
Friday May 20, 2016
Culture and the Futureproof Company
Friday May 20, 2016
Friday May 20, 2016
Culture is a word everyone in the corporate world uses, but few understand. One thing is certain - companies with a strong culture outperform their rivals in everything from productivity to employee retention.
So how does a company 'get culture'? David Reeve, author of Unleash Culture, has made corporate culture his career. He joins me to discuss how to create a vibrant culture, what the benefits are, and what impact culture can have in brand building.
Monday May 02, 2016
Digging Deep to Decode Millenials
Monday May 02, 2016
Monday May 02, 2016
Millenials are elusive consumers for many brands. What's worse, glimpses into their value systems are often superficial and obvious - not the sort of information brands can harness.
To dig deeper into the motivations and psychology of millenials, I chatted with behavioral psychologist John Marshall Roberts. Together, we unearthed insights that could be pure gold for brands trying to tap the millenial market.
Friday Apr 22, 2016
Building Stress Relief into Brands
Friday Apr 22, 2016
Friday Apr 22, 2016
We live in a world of increasing stress. How can brands help us reduce that debilitating feeling? Certified mental fitness and performance coach Sara Wegwitz provides insights into good stress, bad stress, and the role brands could play in helping us cope.
Monday Apr 04, 2016
Decoding Digital Slavery
Monday Apr 04, 2016
Monday Apr 04, 2016
In my book Didn't See It Coming, I devoted an entire chapter to our uneasy relationship with relentlessly advancing technology.
In this podcast with behavioral psychologist John Marshall Roberts, we explore a fascinating new twist in the human / tech paradigm - digital slavery.
Why is it we're compelled to check our phone every few seconds? How do we completely lose track of time as we mindlessly surf? What makes us neglect our real relationships as we pursue the online variety?
Join us as we explore the digital slavery phenomenon, and gain valuable insights into how you can break out of bondage.
Monday Mar 07, 2016
Deconstructing the Donald
Monday Mar 07, 2016
Monday Mar 07, 2016
Donald Trump has defied predictions, defied efforts to sideline him, defied conventional wisdom of what constitutes a politician. You won't find a more interesting psychological study.
In this podcast, celebrated behavioral psychologist John Marshall Roberts and I unwrap the Trumpian psychology - and lay out strategies for anyone interested in discovering his Achilles heel.
Friday Mar 04, 2016
Is Your Innovation Disabled?
Friday Mar 04, 2016
Friday Mar 04, 2016
Gary Birch is a Ph.D Electrical Engineer, a Canadian Paralympian, an expert in Brain-Computer
Interface (BCI) technology and Executive Director of the Neil Squire
Society. He also has a very, very interesting perspective on the connection between disabilities and the fresh perspective that drives innovation. If you don't get a chance to see Gary speak at TEDx BCIT March 12, 2016, make sure to check out his views here!
Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
Is Donald Trump the Politician killing Donald Trump the Brand?
Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
Donald Trump is the most watched politician of the 2016 election campaign. But according to research from ad network Young & Rubicam, his fiery campaigning techniques are severely damaging his brand as a luxury icon.
In this radio broadcast with Ian Jessop, I explore that research, then dig into the parallels between the Trump's campaigning and that of two other highly controversial figures - Adolf Hitler and Silvio Berlusconi.