
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Everything you wanted to know about positioning, but were afraid to ask.
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Monday Oct 01, 2018
There are some brand issues that never lose relevance, never go out of fashion, never get 'fixed'. Positioning is at the top of the heap. No matter how shiny your technology, or how brilliant your analytics, lack of proper positioning can still sewer your brand.
In the spirit of public service (and good natured fun) I went on the air with Mark Brennae at CFAX to talk about positioning, and how everyone - butcher, baker, candlestick maker - can build a better business with it.
If you like this interview, make sure to get my insights straight to your inbox by subscribing.
And don't forget to download my new, free e-book Stop Busting Your Brand!

Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Nike, Kaepernick, and the power of a bold brand
Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Last week, Nike launched a monumental ad campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick. With the rallying cry Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything the campaign took a bold political stance and - I would argue - threw down the gauntlet at the Tweeter in Chief, Donald Trump.
It worked. After an initial dip on the stock market, Nike sales are up 31%.
But this begs the question: should a shoe company court political controversy to sell sneakers?
I went on the air with CFAX's Mark Brennae to discuss why this move was 100% true to Nike's brand. As well, we chatted about the sort of brand attributes that align with bold, risky moves, and discussed famous fails in this area.
Enjoy the conversation!
If you like this interview, make sure to get my insights straight to your inbox by subscribing.
And don't forget to download my new, free e-book Stop Busting Your Brand!

Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Getting Back to Brand Basics
Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Didn't See It Coming usually digs into brands that are breaking new ground. But are there basics that brands really need to stick to?
I brought aboard entrepreneur, futurist and brand consultant Jim Bottomley to chat about brand fundamentals - and much more. Check out this fast-paced free-for-all chat for some invaluable nuggets on what brand basics you need to protect to succeed.
If you like this interview, make sure to get my insights straight to your inbox by subscribing.
And don't forget to download my new, free e-book Stop Busting Your Brand!

Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Putin And The Brand of Authoritarian Strongmen
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
This week, politics took a turn for the surreal as US President Trump kowtowed before Russian President Putin in Helsinki.
What is the allure of Putin? And why are we witnessing the proliferation of authoritarian leaders around the world?
Looking behind the headlines, I saw unmistakable corollations between politicians like Putin, and powerful brands. Drawing this comparison enabled me to explain our irrational attraction to people who exude control and powerful decisiveness, even when we know that these politicians - like the brands of cigarettes, junk food and alcohol - are ultimately going to harm us.
I went on the air at CFAX Radio the day of the Helsinki bombshell, and chatted about the connection between powerful brands and authoritarian strongmen. Enjoy!

Tuesday May 29, 2018
Cancelling Roseanne: Are companies adopting the brand of human decency?
Tuesday May 29, 2018
Tuesday May 29, 2018
Today, Roseanne Barr had her show cancelled by ABC because of her Twitter tirade (smearing, among others, Valerie Jarrett, Chelsea Clinton, the Muslim Brotherhood and George Soros).
Is ABC simply running away from the disaster? Or is human decency, and its implications for a decent company culture, dictating a new responsibility for corporations that want to succeed?
In this interview with CFAX's Mark Brennae, I dissect what could be a very good shift in the brand of the 'good company'.
If you like this interview, make sure to get my insights straight to your inbox by subscribing.
And don't forget to download my new, free e-book Stop Busting Your Brand!

Wednesday May 23, 2018
Brand Building in a Gig Economy World
Wednesday May 23, 2018
Wednesday May 23, 2018
The big ad agencies are falling like dinosaurs, replaced by small, hungry gig economy 'mammals'.
But how does a small gig economy worker build a brand when the economy for their services is all about bidding wars and aggregation on curator sites like Upwork and 99 Designs?
Nathan Hirsch is the 28 year old CEO and Founder of FreeeUp, a rapidly rising player in the online talent business. And he definitely has an opinion on how the new generation of freelancer can build an authentic brand to stand out more effectively. Hope you enjoy our lively conversation!
If you like this interview, make sure to get my insights straight to your inbox by subscribing.
And don't forget to download my new, free e-book Stop Busting Your Brand!

Wednesday May 09, 2018
The trick to creating infographics that work
Wednesday May 09, 2018
Wednesday May 09, 2018
Infographics are the simplification antidote to the data firehose.
But anyone who has tried to construct an infographic quickly learns it isn't the graphics that make the difference. It's the art of reduction, organization, and discipline.
So where do you start? With my interview with Venngage's Midori Nediger.
If you like this interview, make sure to get my insights straight to your inbox by subscribing.
And don't forget to download my new, free e-book Stop Busting Your Brand!

Sunday Apr 01, 2018
What happens when iconic founders leave the brand?
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
One of my all-time favorite shoe designers, John Fluevog, is rumoured to be leaving the company he founded and built over the past 40 years.
When ANY founder leaves, it can be bumpy for the brand. But when that someone is Fluevog, whose design ethos defined the company, the brand can be in for a VERY rough ride in uncharted waters.
So how does a brand survive the departure (or death) of an iconic founder? I thought it would make for a great conversation. So I went on the air and chatted with CFAX radio's Mark Brennae about it.
Hope you enjoy the interview!
If you like this podcast, don't forget to subscribe to hear all my latest episodes. And while you're at it, make sure you subscribe to my newsletter to get my Insights straight to your inbox. Finally, please leave a positive comment in iTunes. It means the world to me.

Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
The curious case of the creative person
Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
I've known Heidi Ehlers for many years. She started as an advertising copywriter, became a recruiter for creative talent and (after a few more career iterations) has found an in-demand calling as the career coach for the creative class.
What fascinates me about Heidi (and provides rich material for our regular catch-up calls) is the psychology of creative professionals. They preach bold innovation, but often find it hard to embrace uncertainties and risk. They talk brand brand brand, but have a difficult time building their own brand. The contradictions are legion.
I finally decided to hit 'record' the last time we spoke. I'm sure you'll find the conversation entertaining, and a revealing glimmer into the quirky soul of the creative type.
If you enjoy this podcast, don't forget to subscribe to hear all my latest episodes. And while you're at it, make sure you subscribe to my newsletter to get my Insights straight to your inbox.

Monday Feb 19, 2018
The branding of marijuana
Monday Feb 19, 2018
Monday Feb 19, 2018
I just finished my second stint consulting for a marijuana company. As luck would have it, this coincided with my regular slot chatting with Mark Brennae of CFAX radio.
So Mark and I had a great conversation on the dilemmas - and opportunities - in store for marijuana companies trying to set themselves apart, and lock in loyal consumers.
If you enjoy this podcast, make sure you subscribe to my newsletter to get my Insights straight to your inbox.