
Thursday Jan 04, 2018
The SpeechDIY Files: Creating a Breakthrough Course
Thursday Jan 04, 2018
Thursday Jan 04, 2018
A few weeks ago, I had the good fortune to cross paths with ConveYour co-founder Isaac Tolpin. Isaac and his partner had invented a solution to a very big, frustrating pain point for me - how to create a better online course? A course that people actually cared about, and would finish? (Remember, even Ivy League online courses have a drop out rate of about 90%!)
Isaac and I did a podcast together. I was so taken by the conversation that I dropped my current online course platform, and started building my new SpeechDIY course on ConveYour.
Fast forward to today. I've actually gotten my hands dirty building the SpeechDIY online course. And I definitely have some insights to share with Isaac and my listeners.
That's why I convinced Isaac to come aboard for a series of 'check-in' podcasts where we could talk about what I'd done with my course, and more important what I could do better.
Hope you enjoy this first update!
As a brand strategy expert, successful entrepreneur, and award-winning author, Marc Stoiber uses simplicity and creativity to help people discover what’s awesome about their business… and then helps them tell the world. For more on creating your company’s value proposition, connect with Marc on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and sign up to his monthly newsletter.

Sunday Dec 17, 2017
Online education: killer brand building tool.
Sunday Dec 17, 2017
Sunday Dec 17, 2017
I have a confession to make. For the better part of a year, I've been struggling to translate my brand knowledge into meaningful online education.
I know, I know, I've helped other people create great online learning brands (my latest project - Family Sparks). I have my courses structured and scripted - BrandDIY, SpeechDIY, PitchDIY and CEOBrandDIY are all ready to roll. But somehow, something's been standing in my way.
I suspect it's the dreaded fear of being boring. We've all suffered through enough boring classes to know we don't want to subject our students to that sort of torture.
Turns out, boring is a very real problem. Even Ivy League schools report that their online courses have an 80% dropout rate. It seems we simply haven't figured out how to make online learning engaging.
So, when I was introduced to Isaac Tolpin - expert in online education psychology and co-founder of ConveyYour.com - I jumped at the chance to interview him.
If you listen to the podcast, I think you'll hear I was like a kid in a candy store. Isaac had all the answers I was looking for. He really fired me up.
So much so, in fact, that I did something on the spur of the moment that I've never done before: I offered to do an ongoing series of podcasts with Isaac where we share updates on my course creation, and he coaches me on how to make my teaching better.
So that's in the works. Stay tuned.
In the meantime, however, check out this podcast. I hope you find Isaac as inspiring and enlightening as I did.
As a brand strategy expert, successful entrepreneur, and award-winning author, Marc Stoiber uses simplicity and creativity to help people discover what’s awesome about their business… and then helps them tell the world. For more on creating your company’s value proposition, connect with Marc on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and sign up to his monthly newsletter.

Tuesday Dec 12, 2017
Damion Lupo, and the Antidote to the Accumulation Nation
Tuesday Dec 12, 2017
Tuesday Dec 12, 2017
Didn't See It Coming usually explores brands that learn from the past, look to the future, and profit because of it today. But every once in a while, you meet someone who has such a terrific story, you have to bend the rules a bit.
Not that Damion Lupo doesn't have an awesome personal brand. It's just that, well, in his case, defining him as a brand seems to miss the point.
Damion has learned from an often tumultuous life how to let definitions like 'brand' fall away as he seeks to help people overcome their addiction to accumulation. Ironically, by doing so, he often empowers them to succeed beyond their expectations.
Check out our conversation on aikido, Bali, skateboarding, doing what you want, real estate, retiring with millions, and how to get past yourself...enjoy!
As a brand strategy expert, successful entrepreneur, and award-winning author, Marc Stoiber uses simplicity and creativity to help people discover what’s awesome about their business… and then helps them tell the world. For more on creating your company’s value proposition, connect with Marc on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and sign up to his monthly newsletter.
Want to try building your own powerful brand to create an unfair business advantage? Try out Marc’s Brand DIY Course – available now.

Sunday Dec 03, 2017
How to truly stand out as a solopreneur
Sunday Dec 03, 2017
Sunday Dec 03, 2017
I recently had the opportunity to speak to a group of solopreneurs and small businesspeople on the importance of standing out from the competition. More important, I took them through a simple process for discovering their Unique Selling Proposition, and making that the foundation of their brand.
I had my recorder with me, which means I can share the learnings with you. Enjoy!
And please, if you enjoy this show, please sign up for my podcast on iTunes, so you never miss an episode.

Sunday Nov 26, 2017
Has Christmas always been hypermarketed?
Sunday Nov 26, 2017
Sunday Nov 26, 2017
Not long ago, my wife pointed out that the Christmas shopping season was now not only infringing on Thanksgiving - but even Halloween! What next? Would we be doing our Christmas shopping in July?
Is this hypermarketing of Christmas a new phenomenon, or a tradition? I went on the air with CFAX's Mark Brennae to chat about some Christmas marketing that has been with us a surprisingly long time. Enjoy!

Saturday Nov 11, 2017
How to create simple social
Saturday Nov 11, 2017
Saturday Nov 11, 2017
I recently had the opportunity to deliver a keynote at Social Media Camp. Instead of just talking about social, though, I decided to take it a step further - I partnered with a local company and helped them create a social media campaign, which I then described in the talk.
Make sure to check out the company I partnered with - The Beam Restaurant. You'll be able to see our work firsthand!
And if you're curious about the TEDx talk I reference in the speech - Mark Shapiro's Birthday Experiment - you'll find it here.

Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Crafting a Killer Presentation: The Documentary...
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
A short while ago, I had the opportunity to coach a group of CEO's who wanted to craft TED-calibre speeches. Even better, we got to host our two day workshop at a wonderful fishing resort on the rugged coast of BC. Listen in as I describe the full experience, from nervous preparation to proud presentations!

Friday Sep 29, 2017
How to lizardproof your brand
Friday Sep 29, 2017
Friday Sep 29, 2017
For most marketers, cutting through the noise with their brand message is a big concern. But even if your message gets to its audience, there's no guarantee they'll absorb it.
This speech, delivered September 28th 2017 to a group of financial managers, describes how our 'lizard brain' blocks seemingly valuable messages. More important, it illustrates how to create messaging that is 'lizardproof'.
Hope you enjoy the talk as much as the audience did.

Thursday Sep 21, 2017
How to avoid a publicity stunt disaster
Thursday Sep 21, 2017
Thursday Sep 21, 2017
Recently, two Victoria BC groups tried to garner publicity with stunts - and failed miserably. The first, Fresh Coast Eatery, took to Instagram with a photo that was derided as fat shaming, in order to promote its healthy cuisine. The second, a stunt promoting a local comedy show, subjected white males to ticket prices double those of non-white males and females - allegedly to put the spotlight on white male privilege.
What might they have done differently? I got on the air with CFAX's Mark Brennae to discuss the do's and don't's of publicity stunts.

Sunday Aug 27, 2017
The eclipse, superstition, and marketing.
Sunday Aug 27, 2017
Sunday Aug 27, 2017
On August 21st, the world witnessed a stunning solar eclipse. Also on August 21st, I was scheduled to chat marketing on the air with CFAX's Mark Brennae. It only seemed natural to connect the two.
But what exactly is the connection between eclipses and marketing? Turns out, there are more than you might imagine.
We humans crave stability and control over our environments. In ancient times, eclipses (along with earthquakes and other natural disasters) robbed us of that control. We turned to our gods to make it all right again.
Today, not much has changed. But instead of gods, we worship at the temple of consumption. Not surprisingly, many savvy marketers (our new high priests) have given us tools they say will help us control our increasingly chaotic world.